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Your indulgent escape awaits. Whatever your preference of treatment, our warm and cozy spa, is the perfect place for restoring personal balance or simply treating yourself to a little pampering.
Enhance your wellbeing with a relaxing spa experience at HOT BODY WRAP in Alexandria, Virginia.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Signature HBW Infrared Body Wraps (IBW)
Infrared Body Wraps (IBW): This wrap uses infrared heat to penetrate deep into the body, promoting sweating and detoxification. Benefits: detoxifies the body, reduces stress and fatigue, improves skin tone, relieves pain and inflammation, boosts metabolism and enhances relaxation.
This service is not recommended to those who are claustrophobic.
HBW'S The Triple Threat: SPECIAL! $325 (reg $515) (3hr) -includes our 3 signature services: The Slimming Wrap, The Sculpt 360, & Wood Therapy along with a complimentary facial mask, lymphatic drainage massage and cold + hot towels with aromatherapy.
The Slimming Wrap: SPECIAL! $125 (reg $150) (60 min) – includes a full body wrap (abdomen, back, arms, thighs), water bottle and a cold towel with aromatherapy. Purpose: to aid in weight loss or inch loss.
The Detox Wrap: SPECIAL! $125 (reg $150) (60 min)– includes a full body detox, light lymphatic massage, water bottle and a cold towel with aromatherapy. (Full body wrap is not included). Purpose: to aid in detoxification, promote relaxation and stimulate lymphatic drainage.
*Great for those who need to slim down for an upcoming event such as military tape tests, weddings, vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, sport competitions & work events! It's a great kick start to your health and wellness journey!
Wood Therapy (WT)
Wood Therapy (WT) treats areas with pressure to breakdown stubborn fat cells and cellulite which are eliminated naturally through your body. Natural, yet effective, treatment that uses wooden instruments to mold the body, reduce cellulite, improves Lymphatic Drainage, and promotes weight loss while improving the body’s size and proportions.
Wood Therapy – includes hot slimming cream, wood therapy on target areas such as abdomen w/flanks, back w/flanks, or front or back of thighs.
*Abdomen or Back: $115 (40 min)
*Thighs: $115 (40 min)
*Full Body: $225 (75 min)
Yeso Therapy Wraps
Yeso Therapy (also known as Plaster Body Wrap) treatment involves casting a part of the body to sculpt it. Casts are made of natural fibers that contain skin-nourishing compounds like mineral salts, algae, and other extracts. The fibers bind specific areas — most commonly abdominal -- to provide compression and generate heat. The heat helps skin to absorb both the nutrients infused in the cast fibers.
Yeso Therapy Wrap: $115 (50 min) – includes hot slimming cream and Yeso wrap. Abdomen only.
*Yeso Therapy is completely non-invasive and safe for nearly everyone. Use your own body heat and metabolic processes to reveal slimmer, more toned abdomen.
Body Sculpting (BS)
Body Sculpting (BS) also known as non-invasive body contouring, is a targeted approach to contour, and shape the body using various techniques such as non-invasive Laser Lipo, Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radio Frequency, Vacuum RF Therapy, and Wood Therapy. Benefits: reduces fat and cellulite, tones and tightens skin, improves body shape, stimulates collagen production, enhances blood circulation, and boosts confidence.
Popular areas for body sculpting include the abdomen, back, arms and thighs. Great for those who are 10 - 30lbs away from their ideal goal weight.
The Sculpt 360: SPECIAL! $225 (reg $250) (2hr) – includes non-invasive Laser Lipo, Radio Frequency, Ultrasonic Cavitation & Vacuum RF Therapy along with lymphatic drainage massage + hot towels w/ aromatherapy + a complimentary facial mask. Abdomen, Back & Flanks are included.
The Arm Trio: $155 (75 min) – includes non-invasive Laser Lipo, Ultrasonic Cavitation & Vacuum RF Therapy along with hot towels w/ aromatherapy. Arms Only.
The Cellulite Treatment: $175 (90 min) – includes non-invasive Laser Lipo, Radio Frequency, Vacuum RF Therapy along with hot towels w/ aromatherapy. Choose one area: Front of thighs or Back of thighs. ​​
Radio Frequency (Skin Tightening): $145 (45 min) – includes Radio Frequency only. Choose one area: Abdomen, Back, Thighs, Chin or Arms.
​Body Sculpting does not usually help you lose weight. Instead, it helps shape the body and address specific areas where weight loss isn’t effective. You can achieve optimum results with body contouring when you also incorporate a healthier lifestyle and stay consistent! Six (6) to twelve (12) sessions are recommended.
Butt Enhancement/Cupping
Butt Cupping enhances the appearance of the buttocks, vacuum therapy is used to restore and mobilize fat of the gluteal muscles by stimulating natural lifting and tightening the skin. The buttocks are treated to receive a rounder, toned appearance w/o surgery. Benefits: Lifts and tightens butt, helps reduce cellulite, promotes blood circulation, and fills dips in buttock area. (Buttocks only)
Butt Enhancement/Cupping: $135 (75 min)– includes Vacuum Therapy and Wood Therapy. Choose one area: Volume or HipDip.
Ice Body Sculpting
Ice Body Sculpting helps to mold, reduce fat and tones the skin, by promoting the natural production of collagen and elastin in the body. By activating the body's natural process of fat elimination through a process known as Thermogenesis, that essentially transform fat into energy. Benefits: detox + sculpt your body, activates the lymphatic system, reduce cellulite, helps restore skin elasticity,100% natural treatment, no surgery, and visible results since one application.
Ice Body Sculpting: $125 (50 min) : Body Ice + Metal Therapy. Choose one area: Abdomen, Back, Arms or Thighs.
*Ice Body Sculpting can be done 3x per week allowing for visible results each time you come in. Suitable for anyone wanting to slim, reduce cellulite, jump-start metabolism, detox and toning the skin.